01424 212 308 - cleaning@wadesons.co.uk
Case Studies

Gutter Cleaning in Hastings

Housing Associations, apartment blocks, Industrial or commercial building, Wadesons offer convenient and efficient gutter cleaning & repair.
As the before and after images of a gutter cleaning in Hastings shows. Our gutter vacuums will clear your gutter in minutes. It will also do it without fuss or mess.

Our Industrial strength vacuum system allows us to clean your gutter from the ground to a height of up to 60 feet. We also clean and repair higher gutters by means of our mobile Cherry Picker Platform.

See our other Case Studies

Render Deep Cleaning – Hurst Green

Render Deep Cleaning – Hurst Green

Objective was to deep clean the render and seasoned wood and return to a clean condition by removing staining and black algae growth from the render and the wood on the house as effectively, responsibly and safely as possible.

Cladding Cleaning

Cladding Cleaning

Objective was to deep clean the cladding covered in heavy algae and staining on the house as effectively, responsibly and safely as possible.

Roof Cleaning

Roof Cleaning

As the images show. This roof cleaning contract involved the removal of thick moss from the house and garage.